Ode to the Concrete Pump

Every now and then we get a call,
The customer needs to pour
A bigger patio ’cause theirs is too small
Outside of their basement door.

It should be a very easy job they say
The area is super flat!
You can finish it in half a day
Just bring the concrete around the back.

So I show up and it surprises me
That it’s not quite like they explained.
The yard’s so steep I might need skis
Or a slip and slide if it rains.

Definitely no way to back up the truck
And too dangerous to wheelbarrow by hand.
But have no fears, we are in luck
Because I have a backup plan.

Pump lines carry concrete gently down
Your steep yard its amazing to see.
And Baja’s workers spread it around
And finish it professionally.

Written by Mo Sandoval

Image result for mini concrete pump hose

Image result for mini concrete pump with hose

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