Concrete Website Finally Up

Finally after years of fighting off the old “Do you have a website” question I have given in and created this site for my clients, past and potential. I have had a GREAT run here in the greater Charlotte area, and have met some very wonderful people-some who have become friends-through concrete work. Up until the creation of this website I relied on the good ol’ word of mouth method. I still continue to get referrals from past clients and am very thankful for every single one! I guess it was just time for me to modernize my business a little with a flashy website.

The creator of this site and my best friend Steve Hryniuk ( ) is amazing, and I strongly recommend him for any website needs that you may have. Anyway, welcome to my website, and please feel free to give me any feedback, with any concrete questions, or to schedule a free estimate. I have enjoyed the many great people I have met through my business, and look forward to the new ones I will meet through this website!

Sincerely, Manolo “Mo” Sandoval
Baja Concrete

Ready to speak about your concrete project?

Ready to have a no-pressure conversation so that we can answer any questions that you have about your concrete? Get in touch for your free in-person quote.